Thursday, January 23, 2020

1/22/2020 Upper Back and Shoulders

1. Chest Supported Rows: 120 x ( Cluster Sets w/30-seconds in-between.

2. One-Arm Lat Pulldowns 44x12 2 Sets.

3. Seated Side Laterals: 25x12, x10.

4. Seated Rear Delt Swings: 25x10, x10.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


2-Board Press: 275x1, 290x1

Pause Bench Press: 250x2 5 Sets *

Spoto Press: 205x5, 207.5 x5

Band Kickbacks: Green Bandx15, x12

A New Post after a 2 years - 18 day break.

My current training plan:

Three 1-week mini-cycles followed by 1-week deload.
Day One
1. Work up to an overload single with either a (Full Boar) Slingshot or a 2-Board Press.

2. Paused Bench. 5x1 working towards 5x2

1x2, 4x1
2x2, 3x1
3x2, 2x1
4x2, 1x1
5x2 (Add weight)

3. Spoto Press 2x5. 2-second hold just above chest.

4. Band Kickbacks 2x15. (Elbow pain preventing other isolation movements for now).
5. EZ Bar Curls 2x{5.5.5) Cluster sets w/30-seconds between.
6. Side and Rear Laterals w/bands. 2x20 each.

Day Two
1. Chest-supported Rows 1x ( Cluster set
2. One-arm Pulldowns 1x20
3. Seated Side Laterals 2x12
4. Seated Rear Laterals 2x12

Day Three
1. Tempo Band Paused Bench Press 5-second eccentric working towards 1-second.
5-1-0  3x3
4-1-0  3x3
3-1-0  3x3
2-1-0  2x3
1-1-0  3x1

2. Pin Press 5x1
3.CGBP 1x8 followed by 2-Board CGBP 1x8. Both just short of failure.
4. EZ Bar Curls 1x (8.8.8) Cluster set